Steam education

  1. Encouraging collaborative problem solving and critical thinking: Steam education encourages kids to work together, analyze problems form different viewpoints, test theories, come up with creative solutions and receive feedback from peers in order to develop their skills in abstract thinking and strategizing.
  2. Developing daughter & socio-emotional learning (SEL): STEM activities help children understand the importance of collaboration while fostering a sense of confidence that comes from building something or figuring out how things work all on their own. This is especially important for preK – grade 4 kids development as life phases become becoming increasingly complex such as peer relationships during middle school age years.
  3. Improving analytical reasoning abilities: Interdisciplinary tasks encompass multiple subjects bringing reasoning capabilities across various subject areas collectively through a hands-on experience supporting memorization retention & comprehension processes within brain circuitry that would be nullified via unstructured offline play posing very real risks when deciding upon future big decisions later as adults
  4. Exploring positions related to engineering/ technology fields early on: The educational environment offers the platform where experimentation can take place negating distractions often posed by impressionable adolescent minds almost entertaining distraction based games usually rendered gory but yet visually appealing within an isolated online sphere ultimately without purposefully over dramatized attempts at creating artificial societies completely unrelated to jobs supportive material architecture systems robotic drill down etc…